Optimising website performance: design tips

Website speed and performance are key factors in delivering an optimal user experience and online success. A slow or poorly optimised website can frustrate visitors, cause them to leave the site and damage your reputation. Fortunately, there are many techniques you can implement to improve your website's performance. 

1. Choose a high-performance web host

Choosing the right web host is fundamental to guaranteeing the performance of your website. Choose a web host that offers sufficient storage space, adequate bandwidth and reliable technical support. 

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You should also choose web hosts that specialise in the type of website you have (e-commerce, blog, etc.). Call in a professional by clicking on the link https://allohouston.co/web-design-australia/web-design-albury-wodonga/ to get proper support.

2. Optimising images

Images can account for a significant proportion of the weight of a web page. It is therefore important to optimise them to reduce their size without sacrificing quality. You can use online image compression tools or dedicated plugins for your CMS.

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3. Reduce CSS and JavaScript code

CSS and JavaScript code can also have an impact on the loading speed of your website. Try to minimise the code by deleting superfluous lines and using compression techniques. You can also group CSS and JavaScript files together to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

4. Use an optimised theme or framework

If you're using a CMS like WordPress, opt for a performance-optimised theme or framework. These themes and frameworks often incorporate good development practices that can considerably improve the speed of your website.

5. Caching your website

Caching allows static copies of your website to be stored on users' servers, reducing loading times on subsequent visits. Numerous CMS and caching plugins are available to help you implement this technique.

6. Optimise your database

If your website uses a database, it's important to optimise it to improve its performance. This may involve creating indexes, deleting unnecessary data and regularly updating your database software.

7. Monitor your website's performance

It's important to regularly monitor the performance of your website in order to identify any problems and track the progress of your optimisation efforts. There are many free and paid tools available to help you monitor your website's loading speed, server response time and other key performance indicators.

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